Mentira Histórica: Caso Colosio


A documentary podcast presented by the journalist Laura Sánchez Ley about the murder of Luis Donaldo Colosio, candidate for the presidency of Mexico for the PRI in 1994, on Mario Aburto Martínez, the only one convicted of the crime, and on how historical lies are constructed with those in which power deceives its own people. Throughout six episodes, you will hear the Aburto's testimonies taken from the official file, but also the recording of the calls made by her family and to which the journalist accessed exclusively for her investigation.

”Mentira Histórica: Caso Colosio” is an original podcast from La Maldita exclusively for Podimo México.


Available in PODIMO


Executive producers: Juan Pablo Abait, Lucas Mirvois y Pablo Ferreira

Directed by: Lucila Lopardo

Script: Gonzalo Quevedo

Production Cordinator: Dolores Crivocapich

Production: Melissa Olmedo

Research and journalistic production: Laura Sánchez Ley

Voices:Rigo García, Juan Ugarte, Javier De la Vega y Hannah Guerrero

Sound Desing and post-production: Federico Schujman, Ariel Schujman y Gonzalo Messi en Estudio Red

Soundtrack:  Tomás Merelo y Mariano Otero

Cover Design: Santiago Barrós